[HCoop-Discuss] [ntk] Reconciling financial records

Adam Chlipala adamc at hcoop.net
Thu Oct 11 06:37:13 EDT 2007

The current total in our bank account plus PayPal balance is $2818.49.  
Unfortunately, the sum of all active balances on the portal is $3642.22, 
so we're short some money to actually have that much available.

I'm not aware of any particular errors in our records on the portal, but 
I'm hoping there are some that account for this difference.  Any of you 
can poke around the records to look for mistakes:
but I'm not so confident that there are reasonable ways to find bugs.  
ntk has read-only access to our bank and PayPal accounts, so he should 
be able to do a slightly better job.

However, only being $800 off doesn't seem so bad to me for 5 years of 
operation, with accounting done in my spare time, with no formal 
accounting training . :-)  I'm willing to decrease my personal balance 
by the difference between expected and real totals, to get us into a 
good state going forward.  We could then resume ntk's regular audits to 
make sure we stay in sync.

Thoughts on this matter?

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