[HCoop-Discuss] webdav now offered on deleuze/mire

Adam Megacz megacz at hcoop.net
Tue Jul 3 14:54:31 EDT 2007

Aaron Hsu <aaron.hsu at sacrificumdeo.net> writes:
> On 2007-07-01 16:05:34 -0500, Adam Megacz <megacz at hcoop.net> said:

>> Use the dav url https://dav.hcoop.net/

> Well, so this is rather cool. :-) hehe. That might be a more favorable 
> setup than AFS. Does anyone know about performance considerations 
> between WebDAV, AFS, and SFTP? IOW, which is faster?

AFS is massively faster than all the others, mainly because it does
callback-caching and uses a connectionless protocol.  Coda is probably
the only other thing that comes close.  The exception, of course, is
when you're on the same ethernet segment as the server -- in that case
NFS is faster simply because it does less thinking per packet.

In particular, WebDav is dog-slow.  But it seems to "sorta" half-work
with every client OS, without installing any software.

  - a

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