[HCoop-Discuss] webdav now offered on deleuze/mire

Adam Megacz megacz at hcoop.net
Sun Jul 1 17:05:34 EDT 2007

Use the dav url https://dav.hcoop.net/

NOTE: currently you can only access directories for which
system:anyuser has "rl" permissions along the entire path from the
root all the way to the directory in question.  However, as long as
system:anyuser=rl on the path to a directory (and the directory
itself), you will be able to access that directory via webdav with
your full AFS permissions -- for example, you will be able to write to
it even if system:anyuser can't.

This issue is due to a limitation in how Apache2 works; it assumes
that it can stat() every directory along the path to the file being
served *before* it bothers checking your authentication information.
Fixing it requires modifying Apache2, and at the moment there is
unfortunately no ETA.

Instructions are here:


  - a

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