[HCoop-Discuss] Filtering out bogus bounce notification e-mails

Adam Chlipala adamc at hcoop.net
Fri Jan 26 00:15:22 EST 2007

Michael Olson wrote:

>/etc/domains/<path-to-your-domain>/.aliases file as follows.
> - Remove or comment out the rule that starts with "**".
> - Explicitly list every email address that is used on that domain and
>   send each to your username on hcoop (by putting your username on
>   the right).  For example:
>comments mwolson
>me mwolson
>me+gnu mwolson
>me_google mwolson
>mwolson mwolson
This works if you remember the list of addresses that you've given out 
over the years, but I sure don't!  It does seem that spammers like to 
use random addresses instead of forging with particular addresses that 
you may have given out, so that simple whitelisting could stop the 
bounce problem.  Nonetheless, it can't hurt to add extra safeguards like 
I suggested, in case some spammer starts using "real" From addresses.

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