[HCoop-Discuss] Quick thoughts on voting

Graham Freeman graham.freeman at cernio.com
Fri Apr 6 20:28:03 EDT 2007


Earlier today, I voted in the HCoop.net board of directors election  
and Paypal'ed another few bucks towards my HCoop.net financial  
balance.  I encourage you to do the same.

My voting was heavily influenced by two factors:  How compelling the  
candidate's vision statement was, and whether or not the candidate  
supports adopting the previously-discussed environmental policy.   I  
would have preferred to have been able to vote for all four  
candidates, but since I had to choose those were the criteria that I  

FWIW, in the future I hope Hcoop.net will grow sufficiently to adopt  
something resembling the Carver Policy Governance model, wherein the  
Board is less involved in day-to-day operations and more involved in  
medium-to-long-term strategy and planning.



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