[Hcoop-discuss] Potential colocation service providers consideration deadline April 14

Justin S. Leitgeb leitgebj at hcoop.net
Tue Mar 28 01:43:30 EST 2006

Hi all,

It seems that the quote request that we have prepared to send to 
potential colocation providers has stabilized.  Because of this I want 
to push us towards the next milestone of building a list of colocation 
providers that we will send this form to.  Unless there are objections 
from the group, I set a deadline of April 14, 2006 for everyone to make 
changes to the list of companies that we will consider for our hosting 
needs.  After this date, I will contact each company with our proposal 
request and compile the results.

If you have a hosting company that you would like to submit for 
consideration, or would like to see our current list, please see the 
wiki page at 
http://wiki.hcoop.net/wiki/ColocationPlansServiceProviders.  After the 
deadline, I volunteer myself to be the default contact person for the 
companies listed, unless other arrangements are made.  I realize that if 
we had any previous contacts with a certain company, we may want to have 
the same person from our organization contact them in this process to 
maintain continuity of our relationship with them.  Please indicate if 
this is the case by marking the wiki page above or by emailing the list 
before the April 14 deadline.

As we receive information from potential service providers, I will 
construct a new wiki page  reflecting this information at 
http://wiki.hcoop.net/wiki/ServiceProvidersReview.  As always, the 
current state of the project will be noted at the main project wiki page 
http://wiki.hcoop.net/wiki/ColocationPlans, and the hcoop-discuss list 
will be emailed at important points in the process.

Finally, if anyone has feedback about how this process is being handled, 
please contact me (leitgebj at hcoop.net), the list, or modify the wiki 
directly.  My personal goal for the process of building a new Hcoop, 
Inc. architecture is to facilitate as much member involvement as 
possible, so please speak up if you have comments or questions about how 
we are proceeding.

Justin S. Leitgeb

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