[Hcoop-discuss] Next steps for HCoop

David W. Bettis dwb at hcoop.net
Mon Nov 28 11:10:59 EST 2005

> That leaves the question of how we are going to find these new 
> members.  It's always seemed to me that HCoop is something that huge 
> numbers of geeks would find very attractive, and it's just a matter of 
> tipping them off to its existence.  Does anyone have suggestions for 
> lucrative ways to spread the word?

Google text-ads?  But I'm not sure if that's going to attract the type 
of geek we want.

Posting ads on kuro5hin isn't necessarily a bad idea, but I've fallen 
out of that community for at least a year.  Does it still have "geek 
cred?"  Or have the trolls taken it over...

I'm inclined to say that it's best to let Hcoop grow organically, as 
opposed to any sort of anonymous recruitment effort.  Encourage current 
members to "tell their friends."


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