[Bond-users] What does this error actually mean?

Colin Close itchka at sky.com
Thu Oct 1 18:34:56 EDT 2009

Hi Dru,

Here's a snippet of the debug output I usually call the <dbobjectsrc> the same 
name as my window 'name' this always worked under 3.xx but it may be incorrect 
for 4.0. The sql that is being executed is the sql from the window/dbobjectsrc 
that is being opened so it seems the correct section of the files is being 
read. The only other thing is that this window is contained in an xml file 
with two other windows and I am not sure how to define this in the startup 
file. My startup file is kludged from paymaster and I have added entries to it 
without really knowing the implications. Do I for example have to make entries 
for windows that are contained in files already listed or is the startup file 
just a list of the files that will be used in the application with their 
primary windows listed in the second section. Of course this file may actually 
have nothing to do with the error!! 

API Call: Open vst-selection-window                                                              
Error: src/bondpaint.c: 848: bond_paint2_childwindow(): Failed to find 
Error: src/bondpaint.c: 848: bond_paint2_childwindow(): Failed to find ggg                       
API Call: Force Save ctlflgs_cr                                                                  
API Call: Save ctlflgs_cr                                                                        
API Call: Open visits_due                                                                        
Error: src/bondxml.c: 563: bondxml_getnode(): Found oprnode by dbobjectsrc 
when looking for name; please correct calling function.                                                                
Warning: bonddb/bonddbid.c: 254: bonddb_id_get(): No primary key set in query:                   
                        SELECT get_lte_vst();                                                    
                        DELETE FROM lg                                                           
                        (SELECT cli_id                                                           
                        FROM visit_list_72                                                       
                        WHERE cli_id = c_id AND c_o_m IS NULL LIMIT 1) = c_id;                   
                        DELETE FROM lg                                                           
                        (SELECT cli_id                                                           
                        FROM visit_list_71                                                       
                        WHERE cli_id = c_id LIMIT 1) = c_id;                                     
                        DELETE FROM lg                                                           
                        WHERE vst_cde = 0;                                                       
                        SELECT c_id, vpm, vst_cde FROM lg                                        
                        WHERE (72-vpm) >= vst_cde                                                
                        ORDER BY vpm ASC, vst_cde DESC                                           

On Thursday 01 October 2009 11:15:59 pm Dru Hill wrote:
> I should tidy up some of those error messages.
> Means there is some inconsitences between <dbobjectsrc> and widgetname.
> Does it show you the line number etc where the problem is?
> Colin Close wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Still trying to get my app working under Bond-4.0. I have fixed most of
> > the problems but one of my windows won't load. I keep getting this error
> > but I don't know what it means. Can anyone throw any light on it?
> >
> > Error: src/bondxml.c: 563: bondxml_getnode(): Found oprnode by
> > dbobjectsrc when looking for name; please correct calling function.
> >
> > Best
> >
> > Colin Close
> >
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