[Bond-users] Installation on ubuntu.

Biswajit Dutta Baruah indianorthodoc at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 00:59:51 EDT 2009

Hi freinds,

I have failed to install BOND on ubuntu.

As per the instructions on the website, I installed all the
dependencies. Initially i downloaded bonddb and bond and attempted
compilation but it did not work. So i used subversion to download the
latest release 3.1.3 and this the compilation went successfully however
from this point onwards i am stuck. I have postgresql installed and
running successfully. I have created a user and a database. 

I also made the appropriate changes in the bonddbtest.conf file located
at ~/bonddb/branches/3.1.3/bonddb and ran ./bondbdtest but it does not
seem to run. And before i did that i made the files located
at /etc/ld.so.conf.d executable. These files were created at this
location following the compilation. I presume because of
the /etc/ld.so.conf file change that is required in ubuntu systems.

Sorry if i sound confusing. I am a simple ubuntu user and do not have
intimate knowledge on the internals of a ubuntu system.

Can I get some directions on getting Bond to work on a ubuntu machine.

Thanks in advance.


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