[Bond-users] User login and other issues

Jure Kodzoman kodzoman at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 02:44:31 EDT 2006

I am forwarding a mail that by accident didn't make it to the list.

On Sun, 2006-06-25 at 18:49 +1200, Dru wrote:
> Jure Kodzoman wrote:
> > On Sat, 2006-06-24 at 22:24 +1200, Dru wrote:
> > 
> >>i could ask username/password/port/database etc 
> >>and then use that to login into postgresql. Then could disable
> >>certain 
> >>widgets/forms based on the user role/username/group 
> > 
> > 
> > I certainly like the direction in which that is moving, but it sounds
> > too good to be true :)
> > 
> > If i get you right, you would add an attribute to widget, which would
> > connect it to the role. It seems like a good idea (if that is it), but
> > then both widget disabled and hidden have to be possible, since hidden
> > will in most cases look ugly and break UI. It could be a really great
> > feature. 
> Yip I'll try do something along those lines.
> > Also another question, somewhat connected to the previous issue.
> > 
> > Is it possible to rewrite the error messages DB throws out. I mean to
> > you and me "UPDATE ... not successful" might seam obvious, but clients
> > like clean error messages. Can they be defined somewhere somehow?
> Yeah i know there a bit of a pain for users, espessially with not-null 
> constraints etc. I'm not sure how is the best solution to solve this. 
> I'll be nice if postgresql had some feature where you  could add 
> userfriendly error messages.
> another way i thought of solving this was blocking the user for saving 
> the record though thats replicating functionality on the front end that 
> resides in the database so not sure on that area.
> > And last is there someway to make include? I mean if you reuse some
> > screens in different apps for various clients it's nice to have some
> > kind of "functions". I know it can be done by hand, but is there such
> > functionality inside bond?
> Yip you can do this. Look at paymaster example, or 
> gymmaster/gymmaster.xml. Using XML you can include elements from other 
> files, so you can have a common menu etc and reuse it. Though it isn't 
> great because it doesnt have variables. Someone who knows a lot more 
> about xml may have some cunning tricks for includes.
> > 
> > 
> > PS congratiulations to Austrialia on beating us in the World cup. They
> > really deserverd a victory :)
> rather surprising indeed.

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