[Oct. 17 Seattle] Report, one mass-work thread

chr2eemail at comcast.net chr2eemail at comcast.net
Sun Oct 11 20:42:00 EDT 2009

Phil, Anton and I were at the LBGT rally, where I passed out 110 leaflets (including 20 to people on the streets downtown). Jim (WWP), RCP, and a guy who announced the demonstration at last night’ Militant Forum (SWP) all took little stacks of the small flyer to pass around from Phil. 
Not one mention of the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq at the starting rally. (I missed the ending one.)
I thought that there were at most 600-700 people there, while Phil thought there could have been 1000. In either case, this was way below my expectation of many thousands.
Running total: 4419
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