Greetings,<br><br>Clinton, you had mentioned wort viscosity as a factor in hop utilization, and specifically doubted that my IPA was as hoppy as planned for. So I looked around, and from what I can see it's mostly a problem on less-than-full wort boils, being denser than expected. Fortunately, the IPA I brought over was a full wort boil--I didn't need any top-up water. Furthermore, I use the late extract method on my stovetop, so about 2/3 of the DME goes in at flameout. Under those conditions, I feel pretty confident that I hit my IBU target of 55.<br>
<br>Do you have any good sources for the details of hop utilization and wort viscosity? All I've read about it has been pieced together by blog posts here and there, and nothing concrete (or encyclopedic, anyway) seems to pop up.<br clear="all">
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<br>Etsi provectus in sententiis sis<br>Esse parvulus in spiritus debes<br>