<a href="http://piedmontbrewerscup.brewcompetition.com/index.php">http://piedmontbrewerscup.brewcompetition.com/index.php</a><br><br>Short answer: one BJCP judge on each flight, register/deliver samples by 14 Oct. $3 if your entry used grain from American Brewmaster, otherwise $6. Judging date is Oct 22.<br clear="all">
<br>Should we enter the ESB or Luna Moth? Clinton, is the Chamomile Ginger still viable for entry?<br><br>I think I'll taste the LM2 and decide up or down this weekend.<br><br>-- <br>Steven F. Killen <<a href="mailto:steven.f.killen@gmail.com" target="_blank">steven.f.killen@gmail.com</a>><br>
| elvestinkle @ twitter<br>| <a href="http://pursuing.calefaction.org" target="_blank">pursuing.calefaction.org</a><br><br>Etsi provectus in sententiis sis<br>Esse parvulus in spiritus debes<br>