Greetings, folks,<br><br>We're running up on the hard deadline for getting these brews done, but thanks to Clinton's generosity in allowing me to use his 7.5 gallon fermenter we have just one to complete: the second ESB. Would tomorrow or Saturday prove feasible for you residents of Evergreen in terms of using the deck & kitchen counter? This will be the last wedding brew! How excited are you?! <br>
<br>We also are coming up on bottling the rest of them. Here is the ideal schedule, mutable as ever:<br><br>Ripe for bottling today (9/21): Bubonic #1<br>Next week (9/28): Bubonic #2<br>First weekend of October (10/2): ESB #1<br>
Absolute last day to bottle (10/15): ESB #2<br><br>Obviously today is not feasible for bottling the first porter, as I have too much grad work to do to clean bottles, do the bottling, and show up for class tonight. But the sooner we do it the sooner you get to taste it :)<br>
<br>Yours,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Steven F. Killen <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>| elvestinkle @ twitter<br>| <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
<br>Etsi provectus in sententiis sis<br>Esse parvulus in spiritus debes<br>