<p>Sooooo, I went back over the brew notes and I think I found my culprit. I added too much sparge water, and then forgot to recalculate the DME addition based on a diluted wort. (We ended up with about 6.5 gals. Which is why, surprise, my OG was low.)</p>
<p>That only accounts for the ABV difference, of course. The flavor difference is definitely attributable to the change in base malt from Maris Otter to US 2-row.</p>
<p>Yours in brewing and all else,</p>
Steve Killen <br>
        | elvestinkle @ twitter<br>
        | <a href="http://pursuing.calefaction.org">pursuing.calefaction.org</a></p>
<p>etsi provectus in sententiis sis<br>
esse parvulus in spiritus debes</p>