Ok, I now much better understand the situation...but there's still a big difference in a monthly bill of $750 total from the current one...and how we make that jump without dozens/hundreds of new members to help pay to get there is my dilemma... Now, I like HCOOP and y'all; y'all have been very tolerant of my *nix shortcomings in skills; the service level has been just great; But...even though I'm not at the bottom level of usage compared to many, by raw percentage numbers of the two areas that I can get stats for, I still appear to be a minor user, and to handle my needs, amount and type of usage, I suspect I may have to find alternatives that remain in my budget range...because in the 18 or so months I've been here, we've about doubled membership as I vaguely recall, so to double it again would take maybe twice that long, and then the price might again be within my range...I'm not bailing out yet...just having to check out options...who knows, maybe y'all will find a solution that works for everyone! -- "Justin S. Leitgeb" wrote: (Sniped 99.9% of text) If you have any other suggestions or questions, let us know! :) (**A long but VERY nice and easy to follow description of factors that I didn't know about for which I would like to thank Justin!!!**)