Hi guys,<br>The other day I was having a conversation with adam about the need to migrate to a bigger HDD if our user base explodes etc.,<br>Its seems such upgrades etc,. are real work and sometimes adam gets real loaded. So I was wondering if there is anyone here, who could be willing to be an admin and share the work.
<br> IF we could get an admin with expirience in maintaining php etc., based websites it would be great coz thats the area most confusion occurs. <br> I was having a conversation with a guy on linux india list who has expirience in managing many webservers and would be willing to chip in helping maintaining hcoop if he gets a free account. If We cannot find any admins from within our current userpool we can look at that also.
<br><br>What do the current admins have to say? This would also enable us to put in more effective BW controlling solutions etc., which were discussed during the inception of fyodor.<br><br>Please post your 2 cents.<br><br>