[HCoop-Discuss] When is response time on site going to get any better?

Richard Darst rkd at hcoop.net
Wed Sep 30 17:05:15 EDT 2009

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 01:52:54PM +0000, j.c.hallgren at juno.com wrote:

> I've not been on the Sunday IRC session as have time conflicts, but
> can we please make some progress on this real soon? I'm not sure
> where else I could find a web host that I can afford for this
> non-profit site that supports what I need technically (which isn't
> that much but I know not available from a nbr of hosts).

Some more updates, to let everyone know where we stand:

Our admins are working on things, fairly actively now that we got some
physical-connections problems worked out (which was our longest
blocker, unfortunately).  The goal is to get a new system to reduce
the load on our current fileservers, which we think is part of the
problem.  This is the short-term plan.

As for long term plans, we have hardware purchases lined up to vastly
increase our computer power.  We are also looking at moving to a
cheaper colo center.  The member meeting next sunday should iron these
things out.  Within a few days of that, there should be a board
meeting, where the course of action should be decided.

Hopefully soon after that (a few months), we will have our new
hardware up, vastly increasing our resources, which will allow us to
return to good service levels and accept many more members to help
split the costs more.

So, in short, we are in a transition phase.  It's been painful, but
once we get past this it'll be much better, and the coop will be
stronger.  You can usually talk with people on #hcoop to find the
latest happenings.

- Richard 

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 71 days, 17:42
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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