[Hcoop-discuss] Server pricing

Justin S. Leitgeb leitgebj at hcoop.net
Sun Feb 12 15:55:15 EST 2006

I agree that we should purchase three servers.

At some point, moving forward with our plans, I would like to see a 
clear specification of which specific services would be running on each 
machine.  Adam, to clarify your plans, would the configuration look 
something like this:

Machine A (fileserver): AFSd (or whatever the AFS server process is 
called), sshd (but only for admin login), kerberos server?

Machine B ("public" services): Cyrus IMAP, httpd (perhaps multiple 
copies running to avoid service disruption in case one user needs to 
load modules), smtpd (exim), sshd (but only for admin login)

Machine C (login server): sshd for normal user access, program 
compilation and common shell use

Additionally, two of the three machines above would be DNS master and 
slave.  One of the above (not including Machine B, which would be the 
top priority MX host for all domains) would be backup MX.  
Theoretically, following this plan, the fileserver could be on a private 
network from the beginning of our architecture, which might be desirable.

According to the hardware pricing examples I sent out previously, I 
would imagine that machines B and C are something like the Dell 1850's I 
suggested, with RAID 1 and 73 GB available space on each.  Machine A 
could be ordered without hard disks, and loaded by one of us with SATA 
RAID and a bunch of disks.  A hardware SATA RAID controller for this 
box, like the 3Com Escalade would be good.  There are 4, 8, and 12 port 
options available for this card, so we can talk about which one would be 
best for us.

Let me know if this is consistent with what you were thinking, and if 
there are any other suggestions or comments.


Adam Chlipala wrote:

>So does anyone disagree now that our next server configuration should be 
>one file server, one primary server that most members can't log into, 
>and one server that members are allowed to log into?
>This isn't a statement about when we should set this configuration up; 
>if we agree on this, we can evaluate the cost and see what time and 
>number of members are appropriate before moving forward.
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