[Hcoop-discuss] Tax-exemption application and hosting set-up fees

Adam Chlipala adamc at hcoop.net
Sat Oct 8 13:45:28 EDT 2005

The co-op has currently been charged two kinds of fees that I haven't 
yet distributed among the members:
  - $162.78 in IRS tax exemption application fees to date, paid directly 
by Nate.
  - Two months of InterServer fees before the switch-over, at $150.05 each.

Since the InterServer server wasn't benefiting even current members 
during those two months, it seems that neither of these two fee 
categories is particularly tied to who was a member at the time when we 
incurred them.  As a result, I think that, in the interest of 
"fairness," it would be a good idea to divide the combined $462.89 
charge over the next few months.  Each month, that month's share would 
be divided evenly among the members at that time.  This also has the 
advantage of avoiding sudden, large charges, which people tend not to 
like. :-)

Does that sound like a good plan?  If so, would anyone like to suggest a 
good number of months to split this over?  (The number shouldn't be too 
high, as our bank account has already been debited for the hosting charges.)

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