<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hi Andru and Bond community members,<div><br></div><div>I am new to Bond and am attempting to install it. </div><div><br></div><div>I have followed all the instructions on installation.</div><div><br></div><div>Here are a list of errors that I found:</div><div><br></div><div>1. The BondFrontEnd Test</div><div><br></div><div><div>$ bondfrontend</div><div>Reading configuration file: bondfrontend.conf.</div><div>Shared configuration file not found: shell.conf</div><div>================================================================================</div><div>================================================================================</div><div>Checking UI library: /usr/local/lib/libbond_uigtk.so</div><div>Loading gtk+-2.0 user interface library.</div><div>UI plugin /usr/local/lib/libbond_uigtk.so successfully loaded.</div><div><src/ui.c:63
ui_init();> plugin for gtk found</div><div><br></div><div><src/ui.c:83 ui_init();> plugin init0x7f0f6b3e693f</div><div><br></div><div><src/ui.c:87 ui_init();> plugin init OK</div><div><br></div><div>User interface is now initialised.</div><div>Connecting to database: dbname=testbond connect_timeout=5 user=bondadmin password=pops#31# host=localhost</div><div><bonddb/bonddbplugin.c:254 bonddb_plugin_init();> checking ./.libs/ for libbonddb2_pgsql.so </div><div><bonddb/bonddbplugin.c:254 bonddb_plugin_init();> checking ./lib/ for libbonddb2_pgsql.so </div><div><bonddb/bonddbplugin.c:254 bonddb_plugin_init();> checking /usr/local/lib/ for libbonddb2_pgsql.so </div><div>Checking library: /usr/local/lib/libbonddb2_pgsql.so for pgsql</div><div>Library /usr/local/lib/libbonddb2_pgsql.so successfully loaded.</div><div>Loaded library: /usr/local/lib/libbonddb2_pgsql.so</div><div>Remote write not
activate</div><div>Administrator Connection Disabled: no connection info</div><div>To correct, specify the db_username_admin and db_password_admin configuration items.Connection to the database established successfully.</div><div>Database is now connected.</div><div>================================================================================</div><div>Schema update checks done.</div><div>Bond repository has been created. Preparing to parse the xml document.</div><div><src/xmlinit.c:190 uixml_init();> Parsing the document</div><div>job.xml:130: element toolbarspace: validity error : No declaration for element toolbarspace</div><div> <toolbarspace/></div><div>
^</div><div>job.xml:138: element toolbarspace: validity error : No declaration for element toolbarspace</div><div> <toolbarspace/></div><div> ^</div><div>job.xml:167: element toolbarspace: validity error : No declaration for element toolbarspace</div><div> <toolbarspace/></div><div> ^</div><div>job.xml:175: element toolbar: validity error : Element toolbar content does not follow the DTD,
expecting (label | entry | dropdown | box | vbox | hbox | colourbutton | button | list | spin | toggle | check | separator | frame | scrollbar | image | progressbar | statusbar | radio | menubar | toolbar | handlebox | textview | notebook | fixarea | trigger | ifconfig | uri | matrix | calendar | toolbarseparator | toolbutton | toolbuttontoggle | condition | security | ifconfig | toolitem)*, got (toolbutton toolbutton toolbutton toolbutton toolbarspace toolbutton toolbarspace toolbutton toolbutton toolbutton toolbutton toolbarspace toolbutton )</div><div> </toolbar></div><div> ^</div><div>customer.xml:36: element toolbarspace: validity error : No declaration for element toolbarspace</div><div>
<toolbarspace/></div><div> ^</div><div>customer.xml:51: element toolbar: validity error : Element toolbar content does not follow the DTD, expecting (label | entry | dropdown | box | vbox | hbox | colourbutton | button | list | spin | toggle | check | separator | frame | scrollbar | image | progressbar | statusbar | radio | menubar | toolbar | handlebox | textview | notebook | fixarea | trigger | ifconfig | uri | matrix | calendar | toolbarseparator | toolbutton | toolbuttontoggle | condition | security | ifconfig | toolitem)*, got (toolbutton toolbutton toolbutton toolbutton toolbarspace toolbutton toolbutton )</div><div> </toolbar></div><div> ^</div><div>colour.xml:36: element toolbarspace:
validity error : No declaration for element toolbarspace</div><div> <toolbarspace/></div><div> ^</div><div>colour.xml:51: element toolbar: validity error : Element toolbar content does not follow the DTD, expecting (label | entry | dropdown | box | vbox | hbox | colourbutton | button | list | spin | toggle | check | separator | frame | scrollbar | image | progressbar | statusbar | radio | menubar | toolbar | handlebox | textview | notebook | fixarea | trigger | ifconfig | uri | matrix | calendar | toolbarseparator | toolbutton | toolbuttontoggle | condition | security | ifconfig | toolitem)*, got (toolbutton toolbutton toolbutton toolbutton toolbarspace toolbutton toolbutton )</div><div> </toolbar></div><div>
^</div><div>Error: src/xmlinit.c: 174: uixml_init_xml(): Failed to validate csc.xml</div><div> </div><div>Error: src/bondmain.c: 222: bond_init(): Parsing XML failed.</div><div><br></div><div>####################################################################</div><div>I
ran bondfrontend from the bond/bond/src/ directory.</div><div>I suspect that bondfrontend failed because bond/bond/csc/bondfrontend is a symlink to the non-existent file: ../bond/trunk/src/bondfrontend</div><div><br></div><div><div>In fact, there is no directory called trunk.</div></div><div><br></div><div>####################################################################</div><div><br></div><div>2. Bonddbtest --> passed without errors.</div><div><br></div><div>####################################################################</div><div><br></div><div>3. Here is the error message for testxml</div><div><br></div><div>$ ./testxml</div><div><uigtk/xmlinit.c:188 uixml_init();> Parsing the document</div><div><uigtk/uigeneral.c:163 uigtk_window_create();> Creating window with title Hello World</div><div>Error: uigtk/uigeneral.c: 167: uigtk_window_create(): Cannot retrieve property "resizable" of node "window". Developers, please
ensure the default value is correctly set in the XML. </div><div>Please install latest version of bond dtd file. </div><div>#######################################################################</div><div>I could not find any other executable files corresponding to .conf files, so that I was unable to run any more
tests.</div><div><br></div><div>I suspect that there is some problem in my installation that caused these errors. </div></div><div><br></div><div>I am running debian squeeze and postgresql 8.4.</div><div><br></div><div>Please let me know if there are better installation instructions than that posted on the website and included in the READMEs. These are quite confusing.</div><div><br></div><div>Perhaps I should ask a basic question. Is Bond ready for production, or is it still in an alpha or beta stage of development?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div><div><br></div><div>Joe</div></td></tr></table>