[Oct. 17 Seattle] Swine flu

chr2eemail at comcast.net chr2eemail at comcast.net
Thu Oct 22 19:48:32 EDT 2009

For those who were at last night’s meeting,
I went to the emergency room because I thought I had pneumonia (which is dangerous for me), but it turns out that I have H1N1. 
I wasn’t coughing, nor do I remember shaking anyone’s hand, but it’s very contagious. Symptoms vary. Mine are like a very minor head-cold combined with high night-time fevers. (The latter is what made me think that I again had walking pneumonia.)
Anyway, if any of you start showing similar symptoms I think that you should go to a doctor or E.R. Peoples' systems are all different, and most people recover within a few days---as it looks I will. But my son had a friend who just died of Swine flu as it turned into pneumonia and other things. (Sorry to introduce that note, but it’s meant to encourage doing something if you think you have it.)
$138 for five-days-worth of Tamiflu. Don’t you just love Big Pharma?
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